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Conduction of Heat in Solids by Carslaw and Jaeger: PDF Book for Free


Conduction of Heat in Solids: A Comprehensive Guide

Conduction of heat in solids is one of the most important topics in thermal engineering. It deals with how heat is transferred within and between solid materials due to the difference in temperature. Understanding conduction of heat in solids is essential for designing and optimizing various engineering and industrial processes, as well as for fire protection and safety, and biological and medical systems. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on conduction of heat in solids, covering the following aspects:

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  • What is conduction of heat in solids?

  • How to solve conduction problems?

  • What are the applications of conduction of heat in solids?

By the end of this article, you will have a clear and thorough understanding of conduction of heat in solids, and you will be able to apply it to your own projects and problems.

What is Conduction of Heat in Solids?

Conduction of heat in solids is the process of heat transfer within or between solid materials due to the difference in temperature. Heat is a form of energy that flows from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature. Conduction is one of the three modes of heat transfer, along with convection and radiation.

Conduction of heat in solids only occurs in a medium, which can be a gas, liquid, or solid. The medium must be stationary, meaning that there is no bulk motion or flow. If there is a mass-averaged velocity, then the heat transfer is called convection. Conduction is also different from radiation, which does not require a medium and can occur in a vacuum.

The Mechanism of Conduction

The mechanism of conduction depends on the type and structure of the solid material. In general, there are two main mechanisms that allow heat to be conducted in solids:

  • Molecular vibration: This mechanism occurs in all solids, but it is more dominant in non-metallic solids. In this mechanism, the atoms or molecules in the solid vibrate around their equilibrium positions due to thermal energy. When they collide with each other, they transfer some of their kinetic energy to their neighbors. This results in a net flow of heat from the hotter regions to the colder regions.

  • Free electron movement: This mechanism occurs mainly in metallic solids, which have a large number of free electrons that can move freely throughout the solid. In this mechanism, the free electrons carry thermal energy as they move randomly under the influence of an electric field or a temperature gradient. They collide with each other and with the atoms or ions in the solid, transferring some of their kinetic energy to them. This results in a net flow of heat from the hotter regions to the colder regions.

The Factors Affecting Conduction

The rate or amount of conduction of heat in solids depends on several factors, such as:

Temperature Gradient

The temperature gradient is the change in temperature per unit distance along a given direction. It indicates how steeply the temperature varies within the solid. The higher the temperature gradient, the faster the heat transfer by conduction.

Thermal Conductivity

The thermal conductivity is a property of the material that measures how well it conducts heat. It depends on the type, structure, and composition of the material, as well as on the temperature and pressure. The higher the thermal conductivity of the material, the faster the heat transfer by conduction.

Cross-Sectional Area

The cross-sectional area is the area of the solid that is perpendicular to the direction of heat transfer. It determines how much heat can flow through the solid at a given time. The larger the cross-sectional area, the faster the heat transfer by conduction.


The thickness is the distance between the two surfaces of the solid that are at different temperatures. It indicates how far the heat has to travel within the solid. The smaller the thickness, the faster the heat transfer by conduction.

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How to Solve Conduction Problems?

Conduction problems are mathematical problems that involve finding the temperature distribution and/or the heat flux within or between solid materials due to conduction. To solve conduction problems, we need to use the following steps:

  • Identify the system and its boundaries: The system is the solid or a part of it that we are interested in analyzing. The boundaries are the surfaces or interfaces that separate the system from its surroundings or other materials.

  • Apply the general heat conduction equation: The general heat conduction equation is a partial differential equation that describes how the temperature varies within the system due to conduction. It can be written as: $$\frac\partial\partial t(\rho c_p T) = \nabla \cdot (k \nabla T) + q'''$$ where $\rho$ is the density, $c_p$ is the specific heat, $T$ is the temperature, $t$ is the time, $k$ is the thermal conductivity, $\nabla$ is the gradient operator, and $q'''$ is the volumetric heat generation rate.

Apply the boundary conditions: The boundary conditions are equations or expressions that specify the temperature or the heat flux at the boundaries of the system. They can be of three types:

  • Dirichlet boundary condition: The temperature at a boundary is given or known.

  • Neumann boundary condition: The heat flux at a boundary is given or known.

  • Robin boundary condition: The heat flux at a boundary is proportional to the difference between the temperature at the boundary and a reference temperature.

  • Apply the initial condition: The initial condition is an equation or expression that specifies the temperature distribution within the system at a given initial time.

  • Solve for the unknowns: The unknowns are usually the temperature distribution and/or the heat flux within or between solid materials. Depending on the complexity of the problem, we can use different methods of solution, such as analytical methods or numerical methods.

The General Heat Conduction Equation

The general heat conduction equation is derived from applying the conservation of energy principle to a differential control volume within the solid. It states that the rate of change of thermal energy within the control volume is equal to the net rate of heat transfer by conduction across the boundaries of the control volume plus the rate of heat generation within the control volume. The general heat conduction equation can be simplified or modified depending on the assumptions and conditions of the problem, such as steady or transient state, one-dimensional or multi-dimensional, isotropic or anisotropic, homogeneous or heterogeneous, etc.

The Boundary Conditions

The boundary conditions are essential for solving the general heat conduction equation, as they provide the information about the temperature or the heat flux at the boundaries of the system. The boundary conditions can be obtained from physical considerations, such as thermal contact, insulation, convection, radiation, etc. The boundary conditions can be classified into three types:

Dirichlet boundary condition

The Dirichlet boundary condition specifies the temperature at a boundary as a function of time and/or space. For example, if the temperature at a boundary is constant and equal to $T_0$, then the Dirichlet boundary condition can be written as: $$T(x,y,z,t) = T_0$$ where $x$, $y$, and $z$ are the spatial coordinates and $t$ is the time.

Neumann boundary condition

The Neumann boundary condition specifies the heat flux at a boundary as a function of time and/or space. For example, if the heat flux at a boundary is constant and equal to $q_0$, then the Neumann boundary condition can be written as: $$-k \frac\partial T\partial n = q_0$$ where $k$ is the thermal conductivity, $T$ is the temperature, and $n$ is the unit normal vector pointing outward from the boundary.

Robin boundary condition

The Robin boundary condition specifies the heat flux at a boundary as proportional to the difference between the temperature at the boundary and a reference temperature. For example, if there is convection at a boundary with a fluid at temperature $T_\infty$ and a heat transfer coefficient $h$, then the Robin boundary condition can be written as: $$-k \frac\partial T\partial n = h(T - T_\infty)$$ where $k$ is the thermal conductivity, $T$ is the temperature, $n$ is the unit normal vector pointing outward from the boundary, $h$ is empirical law that states that the heat flux by conduction is proportional to the temperature gradient and the thermal conductivity of the material. It can be written as: $$q = -k \nabla T$$ where $q$ is the heat flux, $k$ is the thermal conductivity, and $\nabla T$ is the temperature gradient.

Q: What are some examples of conduction of heat in solids?

A: Some examples of conduction of heat in solids are:

  • A metal spoon in a hot soup: The metal spoon conducts heat from the hot soup to the handle, making it warm.

  • A brick wall in a house: The brick wall conducts heat from the outside to the inside or vice versa, depending on the season, affecting the indoor temperature.

  • A ceramic mug with a hot drink: The ceramic mug conducts heat from the hot drink to the surface, making it hot to touch.

Q: How can we reduce or increase conduction of heat in solids?

A: We can reduce or increase conduction of heat in solids by changing or modifying the factors that affect conduction, such as:

  • Temperature gradient: We can reduce or increase the temperature difference between different regions of the solid, by adding or removing heat sources or sinks.

  • Thermal conductivity: We can reduce or increase the ability of the material to conduct heat, by choosing different materials or changing their composition or structure.

  • Cross-sectional area: We can reduce or increase the area of the solid that is perpendicular to the direction of heat transfer, by changing the shape or size of the solid.

  • Thickness: We can reduce or increase the distance between the two surfaces of the solid that are at different temperatures, by changing the shape or size of the solid.

Q: How can we measure conduction of heat in solids?

A: We can measure conduction of heat in solids by using different instruments or methods, such as:

  • Thermocouples: Thermocouples are devices that measure temperature by using two wires made of different metals that generate a voltage when they are at different temperatures. We can use thermocouples to measure the temperature at different points within or between solid materials, and then calculate the heat flux by using Fourier's law.

  • Heat flux sensors: Heat flux sensors are devices that measure heat flux directly by using thin films or plates that generate a voltage when they are subjected to a heat flux. We can use heat flux sensors to measure the heat flux at different points within or between solid materials, and then calculate the temperature gradient by using Fourier's law.

  • Thermal conductivity meters: Thermal conductivity meters are devices that measure thermal conductivity by using a known heat source and a temperature sensor. We can use thermal conductivity meters to measure the thermal conductivity of different materials, and then use it to calculate the heat flux or the temperature gradient by using Fourier's law.

This is the end of the article. Thank you for reading and I hope you have learned something new and useful about conduction of heat in solids. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me. 44f88ac181


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