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ShutterCount 3.1 Crack: The Ultimate Guide to Using It


I think that most probably means that it wasn't replaced with the new-gen sensor, as that requires fw 1.204 to run. The sensor replacement done to your camera was replacing a (corroded or cracked) sensor with another one of the same type, possibly before replacement with new-gen sensor started.

ShutterCount 3.1 Crack

I'm not aware of any variations in the quality or specifications of an Olympus product that can be told from the serial number, with only two possible exceptions: there have been recalls in the past for certain ranges of E-M5 bodies (because of cracks in the screen bezel) and for FL-300R flashes (electrical problems).

The influences of crack deflection on the growth rates of nominally Mode I fatigue cracks are examined. Previous theoretical analyses of stress intensity solutions for kinked elastic cracks are reviewed. Simple elastic deflection models are developed to estimate the growth rates of nonlinear fatigue cracks subjected to various degrees of deflection, by incorporating changes in the effective driving force and in the apparent propagation rates. Experimental data are presented for intermediate-quenched and step-quenched conditions of Fe/2Si/0.1C ferrite-martensite dual phase steel, where variations in crack morphology alone influence considerably the fatigue crack propagation rates and threshold stress intensity range values. Such results are found to be in good quantitative agreement with the deflection model predictions of propagation rates for nonlinear cracks. Experimental information on crack deflection, induced by variable amplitude loading, is also provided for 2020-T651 aluminum alloy. It is demonstrated with the aid of elastic analyses and experiments that crack deflection models offer a physically-appealing rationale for the apparently slower growth rates of long fatigue cracks subjected to constant and variable amplitude loading and for the apparent deceleration and/or arrest of short cracks. The changes in the propagation rates of deflected fatigue cracks are discussed in terms of the local mode of crack advance, microstructure, effective driving force, growth mechanisms, mean stress, slip characteristics, and crack closure.

Because of the rapid development of hardware and software during the past decade, it is now possible to use an analytical-empirical (or mechanistic) method of structural pavement evaluation on a routine basis. One reason for using this approach is the increased need for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. To make the right choice from many potentially feasible maintenance and rehabilitation measures, the engineer must base his decision on a rational evaluation of the mechanical properties of the materials in the existing pavement structure. One of the parameters in terms of pavement response are the deflections; these are of interest to this particular study. The Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) has been developed specifically for the purpose of obtaining deflection measurements in order to determine the in-situ elastic moduli. The profile of the deflection at the surface of the pavement is known as the deflection basin, because it resembles a bowl-shaped depression. The magnitude of the deflections and the basin shape are functions of the number of layers making up the pavement cross section, their thicknesses, and their moduli values. A variety of multi-layered linear elastic pavement models are available for use at this present time. A general-purpose finite-element program called ANSYS developed by Swanson Analysis System is very powerful and is capable of solving a layered system such as the pavement. A finite element model was developed to study the effect of the crack on the predicted deflection bowls. A general-purpose finite-element program was used in this study due to its ability to solve this problem and because of the availability of the program. A hypothetical crack problem was assumed and modeled in different ways. The crack depth, crack width, and distance of the crack from the loading point were among the many parameters that were investigated. Considering the shape of the deflection basin, it is very important to study the effect of the

Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars are gaining popularity as sustainable alternatives to conventional reinforcing steel bars in reinforced concrete applications. The production of FRP bars has lower environmental impact compared to steel reinforcing bars. In addition, the non-corroding FRP materials can potentially decrease the cost or need for maintenance of reinforced concrete structural elements, especially in harsh environmental conditions that can impact both concrete and reinforcement. FRP bars offer additional favourable properties including high tensile strength and low unit weight. However, the mechanical properties of FRP bars can lead to large crack widths and deflections. The objective of this study is to investigate the deflection behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with Glass FRP (GFRP) bars as a longitudinal main reinforcement. Six concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars were modelled using the finite element computer program ANSYS. The main variable considered in the study is the reinforcement ratio. The deflection equations in current North American codes including ACI 440.1R-06, ACI 440.1R-15 and CSA S806-12 are used to compute deflections, and these are compared to numerical results. It was concluded in this paper that deflections predicted by ACI 440.1R-06 equations are lower than the numerical analysis results while ACI 440.1R-15 is in agreement with numerical analysis with tendency to be conservative. The values of deflections estimated by CSA S806-12 formulas are consistent with results of numerical analysis.

Interply hybrid laminates contain plies made of two or more different composite systems. Hybrid composites have unique features that can be used to meet specified design requirements in a more cost-effective way than nonhybrid composites. They offer many advantages over conventional composites including balanced strength and stiffness, enhanced bending and membrane mechanical properties, balanced thermal distortion stability, improved fatigue/impact resistance, improved fracture toughness and crack arresting properties, reduced weight and cost. In this paper an interply hybrid laminate composite containing Cenosphere reinforced polymer composite core and glass fiber reinforced polymer composite skin is analysied and effect of volume fraction of filler on frequency and load v/s deflection of hybrid composite are studied. Cenosphere reinforced polymer composite has increased specific strength, specific stiffness, specific density, savings in cost and weight. Glass fiber reinforced polymer composite has higher torsional rigidity when compared to metals. These laminate composites are fabricated to meet several structural applications and hence there is a need to study their vibration and deflection properties. Experimental investigation starts with fabrication of interply hybrid composite with cores of cenosphere reinforced epoxy composite volume fractions of CE 15, CE 25, CE15_UC as per ASTM E756-05C, and glasss fiber reinforced epoxy skin, cast product of required dimension by selecting glass fibre of proper thickness which is currently 0.25mm E-glass bidirectional woven glass fabric having density 2500kg/m3, in standard from cast parts of size 230mmX230mmX5mm in an Aluminum mould. Modal analysis of cantilever beam is performed to study the variation of natural frequency with strain gauge and the commercially available Lab-VIEW software and deflection in each of the cases by optical Laser Displacement Measurement Sensor to perform Load versus Deflection Analysis

Quasicrystals (QC) are a new class of materials besides crystals and amorphous solids and have aroused much attention of researchers since they were discovered. This paper presents a generalized fracture theory including the J-integral and crack closure integrals, relations between J1, J2 and the stress intensity factors as well as the implementation of the near-tip stress and displacement solutions of 1D QC. Different crack deflection criteria, i.e. the J-integral and maximum circumferential stress criteria, are investigated for mixed-mode loading conditions accounting for phonon-phason coupling. One focus is on the influence of phason stress intensity factors on crack deflection angles.

Driven by the rapid progress in exploiting unconventional energy resources such as shale gas, there is growing interest in hydraulic fracture of brittle yet heterogeneous shales. In particular, how hydraulic cracks interact with natural weak zones in sedimentary rocks to form permeable cracking networks is of significance in engineering practice. Such a process is typically influenced by crack deflection, material anisotropy, crack-surface friction, crustal stresses, and so on. In this work, we extend the He-Hutchinson theory (He and Hutchinson, 1989) to give the closed-form formulae of the strain energy release rate of a hydraulic crack with arbitrary angles with respect to the crustal stress. The critical conditions in which the hydraulic crack deflects into weak interfaces and exhibits a dependence on crack-surface friction and crustal stress anisotropy are given in explicit formulae. We reveal analytically that, with increasing pressure, hydraulic fracture in shales may sequentially undergo friction locking, mode II fracture, and mixed mode fracture. Mode II fracture dominates the hydraulic fracturing process and the impinging angle between the hydraulic crack and the weak interface is the determining factor that accounts for crack deflection; the lower friction coefficient between cracked planes and the greater crustal stress difference favor hydraulic fracturing. In addition to shale fracking, the analytical solution of crack deflection could be used in failure analysis of other brittle media. 2ff7e9595c

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